January 20th, 2020
Public port, shining star
A superstar among accessible Port of Anacortes public assets is Cap Sante Marina, renowned among boaters for its location, amenities, service and competitive pricing. Investment in the facility is ongoing, as evidenced by these photos from late 2011 and early 2012. Text with the 2011 photo read: “The ‘front porch’ at the Cap Sante Boat Haven Harbormaster’s Office (blue roof) is temporarily missing as crews have removed old wooden docks E&F. These wide open spaces will soon be re-filled, this time with concrete monolithic docks configured to handle larger boats. This is a $5.4 million project for the Port of Anacortes, with completion estimated in March 2012.”
Cap Sante Marina November 2011
New slips February 2012