Friends’ Photos

February 2, 2012

Steel span against orange sky

Except for days when the entire area is socked in with fog, there are no “off” days at Deception Pass. This stunning sunset photo was taken by friend Wayne Martin (not sure when). Once again, Wayne, thanks for sharing!

January 23, 2012

Dogs on Call Seeks Volunteers

Dogs on Call is an all-volunteer, nonprofit organization comprised of certified therapy dog teams. Certified therapy dogs are dogs that have passed a number of tests for temperament and behavior and are certified and insured by a national organization to serve the community with their owners. Dogs On Call (DOC) has many programs running in […]

January 22, 2012

Americana on ice

Stuck in a snowbank during the recent snow was this classic American tricycle, spotted and photographed by Wayne Martin. It’s no Big Wheel, but these trikes dominated in the category of longevity.

January 19, 2012

Crystallized garden display

Wayne Martin tackled the snow in south Mount Vernon to capture this beautiful image at Skagit Gardens.

January 16, 2012

Winter blue

Monday’s snow prompted photographer friend Wayne Martin to dig through his 2008 snow files, where he discovered this beauty. I love the blue in this shot!

January 12, 2012

Phototography tip

From my photographer friend Wayne Martin: “A photo tip. Don’t shoot at eye level all the time. I took this with my camera lowered right to the beach, close to the water. That put the wave and the tug almost at the same level. This was taken by the lighthouse in Port Townsend, looking north.” […]

January 8, 2012

The fisherman

I don’t have any details about this photo from my friend Wayne Martin, but I know I like it. He simply titled it: “The Fisherman.”

December 15, 2011

Lighting up the curves

I love this “special effects” image by photographer friend Wayne Martin, who dropped the color out of everything except the center lines in this photo of Chuckanut curves. Thanks, Wayne!

November 26, 2011

Del’s Christmas cactus

I rarely associate the word “cactus” with Christmas, but each year I am reminded that the two go together as blossoms burst forth, delivering some of the first gifts of the season. This beautiful image was created by photographer friend Del. To see more of his work, visit

November 12, 2011

Full moon draws admirers

The moon, which has drawn man’s attention since the beginning of time, cast its spell this week on countless photographers in the region. Among those who captured images of the full moon in all its glory was my friend Del Zane, who shot this photo. A stunning photo, no telescope involved.

November 11, 2011

A day trip that always delivers

This gorgeous fall shot was taken by Wayne Martin, who routinely shoots beautiful photographs and shares them with friends via email. He took this photograph at a stream near Highway 20. It’s been awhile since I’ve taken the “upriver” drive to view fall colors. One should never be “too busy” for that kind of day […]

November 7, 2011

Small sails, big race

Without the folks in the background, this photo looks like it might be “the real deal” shot through a telephoto lens. In fact, it is a group of remote control sailboat racers gathered in mid-October at Cranberry Lake, Deception Pass State Park. A sweet shot by my talented buddy Wayne Martin.

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Anacortes residents and events


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