February 26th, 2004

Smooth sailing

These beautiful mallard ducks were not amused by my decision to pull over and take a photo on the way back to town from Oak Harbor. The mallard is the most common duck in North America. It is easy to tell males from females as most male mallards have grayish or brownish feathers, a green head, and a purple breast. The female is brown and white and is smaller than the male. The mallard duck nests under boulders, in tree holes, in the crotch of trees, or in open areas. They eat various seeds and will also eat mollusks, insects, small fish, tadpoles, freshwater snails, fish eggs, and frogs. They usually feed at the surface of the water and are known as “dabbling ducks.” They don’t dive all the way under the water, but just tip their heads under to feed. Stop by Heart Lake. It is a peaceful place to be on a fine spring day…


Steve Berentson

About Photographer Steve Berentson

A fourth generation Skagit County native who was moved kicking and screaming from this island community in 1960. I finally reclaimed an Anacortes address in 1980, and I have been in constant celebration of my return since that time. Many of us who call Anacortes home love Fidalgo Island for its natural assets: among them are rugged beaches, pristine lakes, thousands of acres of forestland and some awesome views of the Skagit Valley and surrounding islands. Another element of my love affair with this community is its people, both natives and immigrants. They will “star” in many of my journal entries.

Photos are available for use as prints and online use. Please contact me for pricing.

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All Photos are © Steve Berentson. All rights reserved.

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A casual journal spotlighting
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Anacortes Today
c/o Steve Berentson
1102 King Street
Anacortes, WA 98221

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