I love this duck. The American wigeon, beautifully colored and quite social. They love to forage on the shoreline. I look forward to seeing/hearing them over the coming months.
Beauty in the morning sun. Duck on pond just a 50 yards from Fidalgo Bay.
It was light rain, so I ventured out with camera on Memorial Day morning. A wonderful, if short, walk in the rain. Sweet aroma of wildroses, beautiful music of songbirds.
I’m guessing this duck thought I came bearing food, because she was very cooperative for the first minute of our encounter. Then, no food … paddle away.
Apparently these two are friends from the ‘hood, because the mallard’s stealth approach from the rear left the heron totally unimpressed.
My approach at pond’s edge sent this Hooded Merganser skittering across the surface of the water, which reflects the gold of the morning sun.