Docks and uplands are busy at Cap Sante Marina as the Anacortes Boat & Yacht Show enters its final day (Saturday, May 20). Sunshine and events such as this one promise to make Anacortes a popular destination this spring and summer. Many at this week’s boating event are spilling into town for shopping and dining. […]
Trawlerfest is billed as “more than a boat show; it’s where industry, education, and community come together in a relaxed, rendezvous-type atmosphere.” Hundreds are visiting Cap Sante Marina May 7-21 for seminars, and May 19-21 for In-Water Show Portion of Trawlerfest in conjunction with The Anacortes Boat & Yacht Show. Trawlerfest features an in-water selection […]
Things were pretty quiet Tuesday afternoon at Cap Sante Boat Haven, but that will change quickly as hundreds of boats drop anchor for the 2010 Trawler Fest. The big tents are going up and organizers are preparing for a large crowd. The real action begins Thursday, running through the weekend. See for details.
Exhibitors including local publisher Mark Bunzel (right) set up displays Thursday morning at the 2009 PassageMaker TrawlerFest in downtown Anacortes. Exhibitors set up while TrawlerFest guests were attending morning seminars. Pictured with Bunzel, who owns Fine Edge Nautical and Recreational Publishing, is Brindy Bundesmann. She represents Armchair Sailor, a Seattle shop featuring nautical books, charts, […]
Take one Memorial Day Weekend, add PassageMaker Trawler Fest and sunshine … and you’ve got a great day of activity at Cap Sante Boat Haven, the community marina in downtown Anacortes. Visiting trawlers leave under excellent conditions as locals also take advantage of weather to spend holiday time on the water.
Trawler Fest opens today, Thursday, May 22 and runs through Sunday at the Cap Sante Boat Haven: boat show hours: 10 a.m.