Thanks to south Fidalgo resident Dan Codd, who shared this beautiful photo of an Evening Grosbeak.
Anacortes photographer Del Zane applied his considerable skills to photographing the Northwest District Interscholastic Fleet Sailing Championships last weekend on Fidalgo Bay. See to see more amazing images. Thanks for sharing, Del!
Thanks to Anacortes photographer Del Zane for sharing this spectacular photo from a recent trip to the Bay of Islands, an area in the Northland Region of the North Island of New Zealand. It is one of the most popular fishing, sailing and tourist destinations in the country, and has been renowned internationally for its big-game […]
Where else to share a spider photo but “on the web!” Many people grab a flyswatter or head in the opposite direction when they spot a spider. Not Fidalgo photographer Dan Codd, who grabbed his camera and shot this arthropod “portrait.” Thanks for sharing, Dan. This isn’t a photo I’m likely to shoot.
Anacortes mayoral candidates talked business Thursday as guests of the Anacortes Chamber of Commerce. Pictured here are (l. to r.) Mitch Everton, Laurie Gere, Brian Geer and Dean Maxwell. State Representative Kris Lytton, fresh out of a legislative session in Olympia, volunteered as moderator. To view streaming video of the event from the City of […]
Among countless photos taken during the February 4 parade for 6-year-old Madelyn Kuhnlein is this mother/daughter classic by Chris Terrell, publisher of Anacortes Magazine. On February 1 Madelyn had her last chemo treatment for leukemia. A downtown parade was held in Anacortes to celebrate the news that Madelyn is cancer free! The “secret” parade, organized […]
Photographer friend Sandra Crouch captured this beautiful portrait on some recently cleared DNR land south of Larabee State Park. Her research identified the bird as a female snowy owl (banding on the body). The male is almost pure white. Thanks for sharing, Sandra, and keep up the good work!
Anacortes friends Kirk and Mary Kennedy took advantage of sunshine the other day for an Edison excursion rich with opportunity for eagle photos. As avid photographer Kirk noted, you can certainly head upriver at this time of year to see eagles, but why travel that far when you can see dozens of the white-capped raptors […]
Friend Del Zane had some fun in his “virtual darkroom” with an image he shot last summer, applying effects that seem to illustrate a “winter in Anacortes” scene. See more of Del’s work at I chose other Sunday options, but that doesn’t mean guests will go without images from the 2012 Oyster Run. Click on the attached URL to check out friend Del Zane’s website, featuring more than 100 images from the fall extravaganza. Thanks, Del!
Anacortes photographer Del Zane invested time and talent in this week’s Lido 14 Class Championship Regatta. To gain a greater appreciation for this sport, see Del’s impressive collection of shots from Wednesday’s race. Visit AND/OR