We have had our share of gray skies of late, to be sure, but there have also been some incredible days, as evidenced by this collection of photos by photographer Del Zane of west Anacortes. To see more of Del’s impressive work, visit www.DelZanePhotography.com.
Son Mark, who lives in Bellingham, discovered Tuesday evening that he lives just five minutes from a beautiful park. Armed with a new camera, he took an evening hike, gathering a number of images like this along the way. I look forward to sharing more of his discoveries in the future.
One of my son Mark’s lifetime passions is cars. Sometimes he merges that passion with his interest in photography, to the delight of his peers. Such was the case last weekend when he gathered these images at a car show.
I like early morning, but photographer friend Del Zane took advantage of REALLY EARLY morning light to take these shots recently from Cap Sante. Thanks for sharing, Del. http://www.delzane.com/
Son Mark chased a sunset Wednesday night, and was also treated to discovery of this beautiful waterfall along Chuckanut Drive. Nice shot!
Photographer friend Del Zane recently took advantage of a sunny weekend to cruise around town collecting some great images, “tweaked” a bit to make them even more special. To see more of Del’s work, visit www.DelZanePhotography.com.
I knew he likes birds, and I knew he is a talented photographer, but was I incredibly impressed last weekend to discover a website of wildlife photos collected by my brother-in-law Craig! Included here are his copyrighted shots of a Cooper’s Hawk (covering expired Band-Tailed p\Pigeon with his wings), a Pileated Woodpecker and a Ruby-Crowned […]
Photographer friend Wayne Martin sent this photo along from his “BD” files (that’s Before Digital). He doesn’t have a date with the shot, but I’m hoping someone out there can help approximate the date. Pictured here at Cap Sante Boat Haven are the Cypress, Legacy, San Juan, Rough Rider and Trisha Michelle, all part of […]
Photographer friend Wayne Martin shared this historic photo of Mount Vernon, accompanied by some recollections from his childhood: “My guess this is in the early 1900s. When I was a kid I remember playing in and around the house on the left of the photo. When I was there the front yard and the bay […]
Anacortes High School Seahawks made it competitive Thursday afternoon in Yakima, but they ultimately lost 67-62 to Kingston on the first day of the Class 2A tournament. The Hawks boys led by as many as eight points in the course of this game, facing a team with several players who had state tournament experience from […]
Photographer Wayne Martin passed these Cap Sante panoramas along to me to share with our AnacortesToday.com audience. Tough to see many details at this size, but suffice it to say changes in the downtown area have been significant.
Take one palm tree, add a full moon … and you’ve got a very creative Fidalgo Island image. Creator/photographer was Tyler Starkovich, who was gracious enough to share his photo with AnacortesToday.com. Look for more of Tyler’s photos in the future.